Answer to a question to the European Parliament about payments under the Horizon 2020 programs as part of the EVA (European Virus Archive) - WIV cooperation:


EVAg = European Virus Archive (goes) Global - It was a 5 year international cooperation project from the EVA - funded under Horizon 2020. It ended in July 2020.
Project details and beneficiaries (including WIV):…

2015: The European Virus Archive goes global and become a European project of the Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Framework Programme. The EVA project (FP7) was a proof of concept and serves as a robust foundation to build a new and significantly improved project: ...

The European Virus Archive goes Global (EVAg), by including an international group of 25 laboratories including; 16 EU member state institutions and 9 non-EU institutions. Closely collaborating with the core partners are Associated Partners

(at this date 10 institutions from 7 non-EU member states and 3 EU member states), each sharing the same interest for the generation of an international virus collection.

This includes the WIV - which is so interested in the generation of an international virus collection that its virus database ( has been offline since Sep 2019.

The funny part is here:

'Finally, Commissioner Gabriel declared that “a lack of communication by WIV was observed in the period from February to October 2020” and that “for this reason, an interim report on its activities has been requested'…


Answer by Commissioner Gabriel (original):…

Anyway, no amount of diplomatic language can hide the mess that dual-purpose technologies create.…